Our Search Marketing Blog Blog

Looking for more information? Check out our blog for digital marketing details, SEO steps and web design wonders.
Platform Principles: Google Analytics

Platform Principles: Google Analytics

If you're at all familiar with our blog then you may well have come across our post on The Google Analytics Academy. Well ladies and gent's we have been at the Academy again, this time working through the Google Analytics Platform Principles course. We've committed...

How the Buying Cycle Has Changed

How the Buying Cycle Has Changed

The buying cycle as we know it today is considerably different to the buying cycle many businesses were used to just a few years ago. This is both due to how the retail industry itself has changed and how the everyday customer has changed. As the diagram below...

5 Reasons Marketers Need Basic Coding Skills

5 Reasons Marketers Need Basic Coding Skills

Having come across one or two articles recently, discussing the benefits for marketers (especially for SEO's) of learning a little HTML and even some CSS coding languages, I decided that with a lot of help from our developers Sam and Kev, I'd give it a go. Prior to...

User Experience Stats and Facts

User Experience Stats and Facts

We’ve been making the most of our blackboard again this week and we’ve been a little bit more ambitious this time and had a go at a wall length info-graphic on User Experience (UX). User Experience (UX) Statistics PUTTING THE BLACKBOARD WALL TO GOOD USE Just in case...

Customer Acquisition Strategy Guide

Customer Acquisition Strategy Guide

Whether you are selling a product or providing a service, one fact remains the same, you need an audience of engaged customers in order to be successful and turn a profit. However, the majority of those customers need wooing, engaging, and attending to before they...