5 Ways to Fast-Track Your Digital Transformation

by | Maratopia News

5 ways to fast track your digital transformation

In a world increasingly reliant on the virtual realm, your business needs to embrace the digital age in order to keep up with the ever-evolving market.

It’s the 21st century, and ignoring technology is not an option. A 2019 survey indicated that  82% of CEOs were planning to invest in their company’s digital transformation. This figure is up from 62% in the previous year ­– a percentage that has surely only grown since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily closed offices and high streets across the world.

If you’re ready to fast-track your digital transformation, check out these five fantastic tips!

1. Ensure Good Web Design

Web design is key when moving your business online. And while the look of your website is important – after all, you want a site that is going to appeal to your customers – there is so much more to web design than keeping up appearances!

Your site needs to be easy for your customers to navigate. In fact, 94% of consumers have indicated that easy navigation is a major priority when perusing a website. Your visitors shouldn’t have to be expert finders in a game of digital hide and seek to locate what they’re looking for on your site. Pages should be clearly labelled, and your contact information readily available. And if you’re an ecommerce business, then it’s a good idea to have a variety of different payment options available.

If your website is hard to navigate, or even takes too long to load, then all you’ll succeed in doing is driving your customers away. The internet is a lot faster than in those dreary dial-up days, and users have got used to instant gratification; long gone are the times when they’d be prepared to sit and wait for a page to load!

Be sure to invest your time and energy into expert web design, that way you’ll have fast and professional website that will wow your clients.

2. Don’t Be Social Media Shy

Did you know that there are over 4 billion social media users worldwide?

You may not have much time for these platforms personally, but it’s vital that your business maintains an active on them. Social media has become one of the most common ways that customers are introduced to companies, so it’s the perfect place for you tap into a whole host of new consumers!

Social media is also excellent at letting you interact with your customers as most platforms have a direct messaging service. Being responsive to their queries will help you to build up trust and show them that you care.

Visual platforms like Instagram and TikTok are a great way for you to post updates and show off your products, while Twitter fosters quick and easy communication between brands and their customers.

As always, you shouldn’t use these platforms to oversell as users have become very adept at identifying these tactics. Instead, you should use social media to aid your customers, offering suggestions and advice that improves their relationship with your business and establishes your expertise in your field.

3. Have a Site Launch Campaign

A strong marketing campaign to support the launch your new website will help you to draw in new and existing customers alike.

Be sure to showcase your new content in a way that demonstrates how your business, and your website, is going to bring value to your customers.

You can also consider strategies such as promotions and giveaways to give your site launch a boost. Incentives will encourage consumers to visit your new site.

4. Be Smart About SEO

5. Have Digital Savvy Staff

Search engine optimisation is one of the most important things any company can implement. SEO is how you get your website to rank highly on Google.

Google is growing ever smarter, and it can now easily identify which websites are most useful to its searchers. Because of this, it’s important for you to make sure that your content is targeting for the right keywords.

Getting your head around keywords can be a tricky task, so you’re best-off consulting with experts like those on our team. They can get your website on the right track for high rankings.

Whether you’re after content for your site, outreach, or a regular blog post, get the help you need to make your business SEO smart!

Final Thoughts On Your Digital Transformation

A digital transformation is essential to keep up with the ever-evolving world that we live in, and if you’re resistant to implementing steps to expand your company online, you severely run the risk of being left behind.

Whether you’re already on the way to a digital transformation, or just getting started, these steps are essential to fast-track your progress!

Dreaming of the great wide world of digitisation? Let our team set you on the right track to success.

Author: Stephen Harvey-Franklin Steve Harvey-Franklin

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