5 Ways to Boost Engagement on Your About Us Page

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5 ways to boot engagement on your about us page

We know that crafting the perfect ‘About Us’ page for your website can be a challenging task. It’s a crucial tool that sells your company and builds a first impression with your clients. It lets them know who you are, what you do, and most importantly, why they should choose you.

If you’re not au fait with the art of content creation, you might want to consider enlisting the help of an experienced copywriter to get your message out there. That said, no one knows your business better than you, and your ‘About Us’ page is the perfect place to show your customers what you’re made of!

If you’re putting your fingers to the keyboard to create your own, take a look at these 5 useful tips to create an ‘About Us’ page that boosts engagement and captures your customers’ imagination!

1. Put the customer first

Many companies forget that an ‘About Us’ should really be about the customer.

So straight, away you want to let the them know that they’ve made the right decision in coming to you.

Be sure to highlight what you can do for them! The chances are visitors will be far more concerned with what they want than who you are. It’s good to have information on your origins, your company mission and your offering, but these should relate to the customer as much as possible.

Consider the language you’re using, including words like ‘we’ and ‘you’. This will help the reader feel not only like you’re addressing them personally, but that you understand what they need. Remember, the focus of your ‘About Us’ page should always be the visitor, and this is a great yet simple way of forging the relationship.

2. Establish your credibility

You need to prove to your clients and customers that you’re trustworthy – they want to see that you can deliver what you promise. Show them your worth with testimonials and reviews from other customers praising your products and services.

Testimonials are more convincing when they aren’t nameless and faceless, so encourage your existing customers to share their feedback with you.

If you have great reviews on Google or Trustpilot, make sure to foreground that. The inclusion of a third-party review website will help boost your credibility.

If applicable, showcase any awards that your company has won, or point to case studies, particularly if you have worked with well-known brands. Now we know this might not always be possible, especially if you’re just starting out, but it’s a good thing to keep in mind as your brand grows.

3. Be visually appealing

Make sure that your page is something that visitors want to look at.

Did you know that visitors to a website spend 10% more time looking at photos than they do a wall of text? Now 10% may not sound like a lot, but when it comes to time spent onsite, this 10% adds up – the sooner, and the longer, you can engage your site visitors for, the better.

Keep your ‘about us’ page free from clutter and irrelevant information. If your page is easy to read and with an aesthetically pleasing site design, then visitors are more likely to take the extra time to peruse the content.

Also be sure to consider usability for mobile devices. What works on a desktop browser may not transfer well to mobile, and research shows that mobile users are five times more likely to abandon a site if the pages aren’t optimised for their devices. Meanwhile 53% of visits on a mobile device are abandoned if a page takes longer than three seconds to load, so it’s crucial that your ‘About Us’ page is optimised to accommodate users on these devices.

Remember, it doesn’t matter how good your content is if no one sticks around long enough to see it!

4. Consider how you tell your story

Long, text-heavy histories can be off-putting to visitors (especially if what they’re reading doesn’t relate to them), so it’s time for you to get inventive with how you tell your story.

Take inspiration from other brands’ examples, such as this Lloyds Banking advert; the iconic horse runs through 250 years of human history showing off how it’s been useful to its human friends.

Now, this might be out of your budget for an ‘about us’ page, but it isn’t hard to get creative without looking like you’re trying to win the Oscar for best short film.

A neat and easy way of showing your visitors who you are is to condense the information into a brief timeline – think Lloyds, but without all the cinematography. Short snippets of information are far more likely to keep your reader’s attention, and it’s presented in a visually engaging manner on the page? All the better.

Remember what we said about photos? Well, literally show your customers who you are. Using photos of your staff so that your clients are able to put names to faces will help them feel more connected to your company as a whole.

5. Think about the fold

Studies show that visitors to a website spend more than half their time above the fold – that’s the portion of the page that is instantly visible onscreen upon loading – so all your most important info should be here.

The biggest of these is contact information. Make sure that your visitors can clearly see how to get in touch with you – this is not information they should have to take part in a treasure hunt to find.

You should also include a Call to Action. What is it you want users to do when they visit your site? If they’re purchasing a product then use language that provokes that desire. Do you want them to sign up to something? Include an email sign up in plain view.

Finally, highlight your values. This doesn’t need to be more than a few words, so make it snappy – explain in the simplest terms who you are, and more importantly, what you can do for them, before they get to the meat of the ‘about us’.

Author: Stephen Harvey-Franklin Steve Harvey-Franklin

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