Conversion rate (national average is 1.8%)
Average page load time in seconds (Google recommends lower than 3 seconds)
SEO Web Design Brief
Pipeworks is a family run, independent business that has been supplying the plumbing industry with piping products for 25 years. However, their original website was outdated and unable to handle the demands of their growing company.
Industry -
Industrial | Retail
Location -
Liversedge, West Yorkshire
Services Delivered -
Design & Development | E-Commerce
Platform -
Our SEO Development Approach
Ensuring that customers could navigate, and purchase products quickly, was our top priority, and our Shopify template package was the best way to do that within the client’s small budget. We wanted to ensure that the site would be accessible on mobile devices, as this is increasingly important in the e-commerce market. However, this necessitated us to work with the theme creators, as the base theme was incompatible with some devices.
Web Development Results
We produced a new website for Pipeworks that prioritised simplicity and accessibility, and the ease of access on mobile devices now makes it so much easier for their customers to navigate and purchase from their site while out on a job. This improved user experience has significantly impacted their rate of sale and conversions.
Conversion rate (national average is 1.8%)
Average page load time in seconds - Google recommends lower than 3 seconds
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The proof is in the pudding
Our Work
From dentists to door suppliers, vets to visual content agencies, and educators to e-commerce, at Maratopia we’ve already helped brands big and small meet their business goals.
Check out the case studies below to see how we’ve built websites, optimised content, and managed SEO strategies for a wide range of industry innovators and historic institutions. Like what you see? Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you.

Direct Building Products
increase in revenue from all channels

increase in traffic to the site across channels.

Anglia Ruskin University
of all goals completed from PPC

We Buy Any Stairlift