How to Optimise Your Shopify Site for SEO

by | e-Commerce News, SEO News

optimise your shopify site for seo

What is Shopify SEO?

Shopify powers over a million ecommerce businesses all over the world, and its ease of use means that anyone, anywhere can start their own store to market and sell their products.

But with so many businesses out there, getting yours to stand out from your competition can seem a little daunting, especially when you aren’t sure what’s involved in a thorough SEO strategy.

But a good SEO campaign will allow you to boost your SERPs rankings enable your store to be found by valuable customers who are looking for the products that you sell.

While Shopify does come with SEO friendly features, if you want your shop to pop, then it’s vital that you go the extra mile – this blog shows you how to do just that!

Make the most of keywords

Keywords are the phrases that users enter into the search engine in order to find what they are looking for. To get your store in front of the eyes of potential customers, research which key words and phrases they are using, and then add these to the content on your Shopify store.

When you have worked out what your customers are looking for, you’ll learn which keywords are best to aim for. It isn’t an easy task however, as 15% of daily Google searches are brand new and unsearched terms, so targeting the right keywords is a process of trial and error.

Keyword research is an essential tool to keep tabs on the terms your customers are using to find you, as well as other potential opportunities for optimisation and targeting. Keywords should fit seamlessly within the text, as search engines – and the users themselves – have become very adept at identifying keywords stuffing, and this will have a negative impact on your rankings.

Implement a Good Site Structure

Luckily, due to Shopify’s in-built awareness of SEO, you have to worry about your site structure a little less than you might with other platforms. However, this doesn’t mean that you should ignore the ways that your website structure can affect your SEO and ranking.

You should choose a well-structured template for your store that follows logical navigation so that it’s easy to use. A complex site structure can be a huge deterrent to your visitors, if your customers have to waste time trying to get to the products that they’re looking for, then chances are they’ll get frustrated and try somewhere else.

Speed is another factor that grows increasingly important as users become less patient; long gone are the days of dial-up and slow loading pages. Research shows that even a few second loading delay can increase your website’s bounce rate.

Your Shopify site needs to be fast loading on both desktop and mobile, as mobile traffic accounts for 57% of the worldwide internet searches.

Submit a Site Map

A site map is a website feature that helps Google to identify what content is on your site, and how to then rank you when a user makes a search. This is another reason it’s good to have a simple site structure, as it makes your store easier for Google to crawl.

When you create your Shopify store, it will automatically generate a site map; you just need to verify that you are the owner of the Shopify store and then submit this site map to Google! It really is as easy as it sounds.

Use Shopify Blogs

Shopify stores come with a built-in blogging feature that many users fail to implement into their own marketing strategy.

Blogs are a great way to target for keywords and drive more traffic to your store.

81% of consumers have indicated that they consider blogs to be a trusted source of advice. So, rather than using your Shopify blog to constantly sell to your audience, try offering your visitors advice that they’ll find helpful and informative. This will keep users drawn to your brand and inspire them to keep coming back.

By increasing visitor engagement you’ll be build up a level of trust and authority that encourages customers to shop with you rather than with one of your competitors.

Maximise your Shopify potential with SEO

Hosting sites like Shopify are designed to be easy to use for customers and businesses alike.

But to ensure you’re making the most of your platform and attracting the right kind of customers, it’s worth investing in your SEO campaign.

With quality keyword research that targets high-intent audiences, search-friendly web design that’s fully optimised and a content strategy that builds both your search engine presence and your customer relationships, the sky is the limit.

Unsure about your Shopify SEO Strategy? Reach out to our team today and take the first steps towards your high-ranking store.

Author: Stephen Harvey-Franklin Steve Harvey-Franklin

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